
Lemon Macaroon Tarts

A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with light, chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.


I popped over to Mama’s house a few weekends ago to take Daddy’s truck back after I'd borrowed it. When Daddy passed away last summer, Mama decided to keep his truck and I’m so glad she did.

Aside from the obvious reason of how convenient it is to have a pickup truck to use when we need it, I honestly love hopping in Daddy’s truck, rolling the windows down, tuning the radio to the classic country station and setting out to do whatever it is I’m doing. I feel like he's there with me. His truck still smells like him.

Daddy always kept a meticulous yard (barn, garage, shed and everything else) and always struggled with how we… errrr… don’t. It’s not that I don’t want things to be perfectly perfect and tidy but my schedule doesn’t allow me to keep my self properly groomed, much less my yard.

Lemon Macaroon Tarts | A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with sweet, light and chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.

So, anyway, when I’ve got his truck it’s because we're doing something around the house and I always imagine him sitting right beside me, proud that we're getting ‘er done. I can just see him with his hat cocked slightly crooked, one arm out the window, a toothpick in his mouth, nodding along as I tell him what all I plan on doing.

Great day, I miss that man.

So anyway, when I walked in the house, Mama was just dolloping some cool whip on these tarts and I was so very glad I came when I did. I looooove her lemon tarts!

Lemon Macaroon Tarts | A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with sweet, light and chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.

She told me (not for the first time) I needed to make these for the blog and I told her (not for the first time) that they’re on the list. But just like the 40’leven things that need doing around my house, the tarts will get on the blog when I get time.

She said, Well, I know I didn’t make the cool whip look all fancy and these are far from perfect but why don’t you just take pictures of these to use on the blog?

Well, Mama, that is a fantastic idea!

Lemon Macaroon Tarts | A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with sweet, light and chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.

We think this recipe came from a Cooking Light magazine about twenty-something years ago (or some other healthy cooking magazine). I remember the first time she made them and we thought we’d struck gold because they are so insanely delicious and, if they were in Cooking Light, then obviously they were healthy!

They are not healthy.

I think, if anything, they are low in fat, which back in the 90’s was touted as being diet food.

They may not be good for your diet but, Lord, they are scrumptious! Especially if you love chewy, sweet coconut and tart lemon!

Lemon Macaroon Tarts | A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with sweet, light and chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.


You start by making coconut macaroon shells in a muffin tin. This sounds complicated but, trust me, it’s not. The shells are made by mixing coconut, a little flour, egg whites, sugar and vanilla then pressing the mixture into the muffin tins. Easy, peasy!

Then you make a simple lemon curd with sugar, an egg, lemon juice, cornstarch and water then spoon it into the macaroon shells. You could make your own whipped cream and, according to Mama, make it look fancy, for topping them.

The full recipe card is listed just below.

Lemon Macaroon Tarts | A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with sweet, light and chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.


Keep a close eye on the shells when they’re cooking because those lacy edges can go from perfectly golden to looking burnt slap up in a quick minute.

Feel free to use prepared lemon curd if you don't want to make it homemade (but this lemon curd recipe is divine!)

Your lemon curd may get a slight skin on the top when cooling. I always just stir it back into the curd but you can lay a piece of plastic wrap on the surface of the curd before refrigerating to prevent this if desired.

Recipe for Lemon Macaroon Tarts

Lemon Macaroon Tarts

Lemon Macaroon Tarts
Yield: 12 Servings
Author: Mandy Rivers | South Your Mouth
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 25 MinInactive time: 30 MinTotal time: 1 H & 5 M
A perfect handheld dessert recipe made with sweet, light and chewy coconut macaroon tartlet shells filled with luscious, bright sweet-tart lemon curd topped with whipped cream.


Lemon Macaroon Tarts
  • Coconut Macaroon Tart Shells (below)
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon, plus 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 egg
  • 2 drops yellow food coloring (optional)
  • Cool whip or whipped cream
Coconut Macaroon Tart Shells
  • 2 cups sweetened flaked coconut
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour


Lemon Macaroon Tarts
  1. Combine sugar, cornstarch, lemon rind, water and lemon juice in a saucepan then stir well. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat, then cook, stirring constantly, for one minute.
  2. Place egg in a small bowl then beat well. Spoon a few teaspoons of the hot lemon mixture into the egg then gently stir. Spoon a few more teaspoons into the bowl then stir again. We’re doing this to temper the eggs before adding them to the hot lemon mixture.
  3. Pour egg mixture into saucepan with the remaining lemon mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, one minute or until thickened. Stir in food coloring, if using.
  4. Spoon mixture into a bowl then refrigerate until chilled. TIP: You're less likely to get a "skin" on top of the curd (or pudding, etc.) if you let it come to room temperature before refrigerating.
  5. Spoon lemon curd evenly into Coconut Macaroon Tart shells then top with cool whip or whipped cream. Refrigerate to store.
Coconut Macaroon Tart Shells
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a muffin tin liberally with cooking spray or grease with butter.
  2. Combine first 5 ingredients then mix very well (everything except flour).
  3. Stir in flour then mix until combined.
  4. Divide mixture into the cups of the muffin tin then press into the bottoms and up the sides of each cup. Bake at 400 degrees for 14-15 minutes or until the edges just start to brown. Watch them closely after about 12 minutes to be sure they don’t overcook. All ovens cook differently so be sure your tarts don’t burn.
  5. Cool tarts for 2 minutes in the pan then remove to cool completely.


  • Keep a close eye on the shells when they’re cooking because those lacy edges can go from perfectly golden to looking burnt slap up in a quick minute.
  • Feel free to use prepared lemon curd if you don't want to make it homemade (but this lemon curd recipe is divine!)
  • Your lemon curd may get a slight "skin" on the top when cooling. I always just stir it back into the curd but you can lay a piece of plastic wrap on the surface of the curd before refrigerating to prevent this if desired.
  • You're less likely to get a "skin" on top of the curd (or pudding, etc.) if you let it come to room temperature before refrigerating.

Nutrition Facts




4.59 g

Sat. Fat

3.94 g


32.63 g


1.54 g

Net carbs

31.08 g


1.9 g


57.87 mg


26.31 g


14.04 mg
lemon, coconut, macaroons, tarts, tartlets, shells, cooking light, curd, recipe, how to, best, dessert
dessert, pie
Keep up with my latest shenanigans by following South Your Mouth!


  1. Whoa! These babies look like heaven in a bite. I know you miss your sweet daddy. I know how much my heart misses my momma and daddy. God bless your momma for sharing this scrumptious recipe with us. Can't wait to try these!!!

  2. In the middle of reading about your daddy and his truck, I started bawling. What sweet memories you must have of him! And smells are SO evocative, aren't they? Just a hint of lilac, and I'm right back with my mama. She did love Avon's lilac sachet, and was so upset when they stopped making it. Anyway...these look DIVINE, and just happen to have a jar of lemon curd in the pantry that needs to be used. Putting coconut on my shopping list right now...:-)

    1. I 100% agree with Lisa I was so touched by your story of your Daddy and his truck. Thank you for sharing :)

  3. What sweet memories and yummy looking tarts! I love the idea of the macaroon shell!

  4. Oh my gosh. I made these last weekend - they are AMAZING to say the least! DEFINITELY making again!! Actually this weekend too for a cookout! Haha :) My hubby inhaled them!!!

  5. Oh Oh Oh! What a WONDERFUL crust! Oh my goodness! I used up my lemon curd and still had a few shells. I spooned in apricot jam and sprinkled some coconut on top! ANOTHER wonderful treat! It is so different and the lemon curd (WITH whipped cream) is so fresh tasting in this uncomfortably hot California Summer. So glad to be subscribed to this website. I never know what treasure I am going to discover. THANK YOU for brightening my day!

  6. Can you freeze the macaroon tarts

  7. Just made these and they are a new favorite!! Thanks so much

  8. Can these be made in mini muffin tins with cooking time adjusted?

    1. Possibly but the coconut crust might be too thick and not leave enough room for lemon curd. If you try it, let us know how it worked out!


Hi there! While I’m not able to respond to every comment, I try hard to answer any questions that haven’t been addressed in the post, recipe or in other comments.

I can tell you now 1) I have no idea if you can substitute Minute Rice or brown rice in my recipes because I’ve never used them and 2) If I know how to convert a recipe to a Crock Pot version, I will make a note about it (otherwise, I don’t know).

And though I may not respond to them all, I do read each and every comment and I LOVE to hear from you guys! Thanks, y’all! - Mandy