
Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy

An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.


I am so completely IN LOVE with this recipe! It’s taken me several attempts to get it juuuuust right but now that I have, we eat this all the time! Husband even asked for it again last weekend, which is saying a lot since he doesn’t usually get too excited about food.

Here’s where you’re wondering why the universe would pair up a die-hard foodie who loves to cook like me with a man who really doesn’t care much about eating! Our friends ask the same question all the time!

Husband and the girls like this over mashed potatoes but you know me and ol’ Brutus always like rice the best. I usually make both so everyone is happy. I usually make both because the majority rules in favor of the mashed potatoes but I’m the cook so I can make rice too if I want to!

The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.


The first time I made this I used one of the many recipes floating around online for something similar and, though it tasted pretty good, the gravy was very watery and had to be thickened (which wasn’t mentioned in the recipe… grrrr).

The most common recipes I see online call for the same ingredients: cream of chicken soup, water and chicken gravy mix. After all my testing, my final recipe includes:

  1. Cream of Chicken Soup
  2. Chicken Broth instead of water
  3. Brown Gravy Mix instead of chicken gravy mix. 
  4. Seasonings (simple stuff, nothing crazy)
  5. Flour 
The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.


I know we’re not cooking a gourmet meal here and using a lot of shortcut ingredients but I really, really prefer the brown gravy mix over the chicken flavor in this. It makes for a richer color and a more homemade taste.

No matter how many times I made this or how many variations of the recipe I tried, the gravy was never thick. It was more like a sauce. I know it seems like it would be plenty thick with these ingredients but after cooking so long, the gravy really thins out.

I would always end up having to pour the sauce into a pan and thicken it on the stove with a cornstarch slurry. Not that it was hard to do that but the thing that appeals most to me about slow cooker meals is that everything cooks in one pot (ideally).

The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.

To remedy this I added flour to the mixture and it worked like a charm! I was worried I would be able to taste the raw flour (which is why we cook it in some sort of fat first when making traditional pan gravy) but nope, that raw taste cooks away in the crock pot!

And I didn’t use cornstarch because the gravy packets already have plenty of cornstarch in them and I didn’t want the dish to have a starchy taste to it.

Do you see how much time I put into thinking about recipes? It’s ridiculous, I know! It’s literally how I put myself to sleep at night. Instead of counting sheep, I say to myself, alright Mandy, let’s cook something and I start writing a recipe in my head and then… zzZzzzZz……

The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.

Speaking of sleeping… I need your help with something if you can. I… ummm… well I have started… ugh… snoring 😟 Like really snoring. I wake Husband up all night with my snoring and he wakes me up all night telling me I’m snoring.

He started out just gently nudging me and telling me to roll over on my side but after months and months of this I now wake up to him tugging my hair or pinching my nose shut like he’s trying to suffocate me. I think he might actually be contemplating suffocating me at this point.

Then I get mad and go get on the couch then he gets mad when he wakes up in the morning and I’m not in the bed with him. Something’s got to give, y’all! He’s either going to strangle me in my sleep or we’re going to end up divorced!

The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.

He snores too and I’ve put up with it for all these years so I thought I would get even and take a video of him snoring so he could see I’m dealing with the same thing. Then he took a video of me snoring and it was awful! I was 10 times louder than him! I was like one of those snow beasts from that Star Wars movie. It was atrocious! I ain’t even mad! No wonder he took a video and has been trying to kill me in my sleep!

I’ve tried the Breathe Right strips and they help a tiny bit. I’m looking in to having a sleep study done. I’m also considering buying a specialized mattress because I’ve heard that could help. Do any of you have any other suggestions? Have you tired anything that works? What tricks do you have up your sleeves?

So, there you have it… a yummy recipe and waaaaay too much information about what goes on in my bedroom!

The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.


  • The gravy thickens more as it cools. I have found that I enjoy this the most when I remove the lid and let it cool for about 20 minutes before serving – trust me, it will still be plenty hot!
  • Base your cooking time on your crock pot. If you know your crock pot “cooks hot” then you will likely only need to cook the chicken for 3 hours. If yours is super slow to get going, you may have to cook it 4 hours (or more). I have three crock pots that I use the most. One is crazy hot and always overcooks recipes. One is super slow and can’t be used for recipes that cook on high (I use “high” for “low” and don’t even try to cook recipes that cook on the “high” setting). And one is juuussssst right. I’m like Goldilocks.
  • You can use chicken gravy if you like but I very much prefer the color and flavor of the brown gravy packs best in this.
  • The flour is a thickening agent. If you don’t want to use it, leave it out then use a cornstarch slurry to thicken at the end. I know it seems like you wouldn’t need anything to thicken this but you really, really do.

Recipe for Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy

The BEST Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy! An easy slow cooker recipe for tender chicken breasts and savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.

Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy

Crock Pot Chicken & Gravy
Yield: 6 Servings
Author: Mandy Rivers | South Your Mouth
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 3 HourTotal time: 3 H & 5 M
An easy and delicious slow cooker recipe for tender chicken with savory gravy perfect served over mashed potatoes, noodles or rice.


  • 3-4 chicken breasts (2.5 lbs.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 garlic powder
  • 2 10.5-oz cans cream of chicken soup
  • 1 14.5-oz can reduced sodium chicken broth
  • 2 packs brown gravy mix
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour


  1. Place chicken breasts in the bottom of a medium-sized crock pot. Season with pepper and garlic powder.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine remaining ingredients then stir well. Pour mixture over chicken breasts.
  3. Cover crock pot then cook on high for 3-4 hours. Reduce temperature to warm then shred the chicken into bite-sized pieces using two forks.
  4. Serve chicken and gravy over mashed potatoes, rice or noodles.


  • The gravy thickens more as it cools. I have found that I enjoy this the most when I remove the lid and let it cool for about 20 minutes before serving – trust me, it will still be plenty hot!
  • Base your cooking time on your crock pot. If you know your crock pot “cooks hot” then you will likely only need to cook the chicken for 3 hours. If yours is super slow to get going, you may have to cook it 4 hours (or more). I have three crock pots that I use the most. One is crazy hot and always overcooks recipes. One is super slow and can’t be used for recipes that cook on high (I use “high” for “low” and don’t even try to cook recipes that cook on the “high” setting). And one is juuussssst right. I’m like Goldilocks.
  • You can use chicken gravy if you prefer but I like the color and flavor of the brown gravy packs best in this.
  • The flour is a thickening agent. If you don’t want to use it, leave it out then use a cornstarch slurry to thicken at the end. I know it seems like you wouldn’t need anything to thicken this but you really, really do.
slow cooker, crock pot, crockpot, chicken, breasts, gravy, cream of, easy, best, creamy, recipe, noodles, mashed potatoes, thick
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  1. 1. What about using one of those incline pillows meant for acid reflux?

    2. Could this be made with chicken thighs? (Because we can't ever have the same kind of chicken the recipe calls for!)

    1. I was thinking of trying those pillows too! I'm sure this would be great with thighs too!

  2. Hi Mandy! Most of all I love your recipes. Snoring-there was a Dr. On the Today show this morning. He specializes in sleep. He had this tiny little device that slips in the end of your nostrils. He said it works and he uses it. Check out today.com/shop.

  3. Okay, "yellow tasting" makes complete sense to me...I think you just invented a new gourmet term ��
    Here is my tip for thickening. I now use instant potato buds in place of cs or flour. They work great and add a little richer flavor. Try it, especially in soups.
    As for the snoring, get your husband a nice pair of ear plugs.
    As always thanks for the recipe and sharing a little bit of your life.

    1. Instant potatoe flakes work great for thickening soups & stews 👍

  4. This looks yum!!!! I started using “Smart Nora” insert inside my pillowcase. It’s facinating how it works. Took me a few nights to get used to it. It’s expensive but really works. Has a 30 day money back return policy.

    1. May I interject? Smart Nora isnt so smart if you use this device but have Sleep Apnea. All Smart Nora does is listen for your snores and then move your pillow slightly so you (hopefully) resume regular breathing. However, if you have sleep apnea and let it go undiagnosed by using this machine, you are creating potential SERIOUS health issues. Even if Smart Nora does get you to stop snoring, your snoring is a possible sign of sleep apnea and your body is not getting a steady flow of oxygen through your nose and mouth. When that happens, heart disease can and usually does result.

  5. I'm a nurse. Get a sleep study done. I had pretty much the exact same experience you described, and now I have a cpap. I can't believe how much better I sleep. If you truly have sleep apnea, all those other things won't work because they don't keep your airway open, which is the problem. Good luck! Oh, and I'm making this for dinner tomorrow. I can't wait! ��

    1. I've been to the sleep clinic for snoring and have mild sleep apnea. I have a CPAP machine, which doesn't help me sleep any better that I can tell, but does help my husband.

  6. You are an amazing woman and an inspiration to us all! An amazing inspiration! I've found eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils, topically on your feet or chest, or diffused in a diffuser pleasantly relieve snoring. Pleasantly, that is, if you love the fragrance like I do. Good luck! I was never going to shave or have hairs on my face, either. Well, I ain't ashamed to tell you I'll admit to shaving my face a time or two every week. Time seems to humble even the mighty!

    1. Unless you have a kitty cat and then that could be dangerous to them. Make sure whatever oils you use are safe for animals.

  7. I'm going to vote with the sleep study/ CPAP machine crew. If you have severe snoring that is causing issues, it is probably the way to go. My husband uses the CPAP as well as the wedge pillow AND the breathe right strips when he's having a difficult patch.

    We tried the chin strap (total no-go) and are actually looking into a dental appliance which sounds promising but is also super expensive.

    Everyone is different. Just keep trying different approaches and combinations and eventually you will figure it out!

  8. Mandy, I did sleep studies for years as I am a Respiratory Therapist. You and your hubby need to get to the sleep lab and get your sleep studies. Both of you. For your health sake. I cannot wait to try the chicken and gravy. Anything with gravy is good. And anything in the crockpot is better. Right? Good Luck. You will feel so much better.

  9. I agree with the 'unknown' nurse. I have sleep apnea diagnosed via sleep studies. Although my cpap does not work for me (because of various reasons but mainly because my tonsils are HUGE and my palette is VERY narrow), most (especially my mom) do so well with a cpap machine that it truly changes their life. If you have insurance, this should be covered. Its a slightly inconvenience to do it but it will be life changing, especially if you are very tired. Also, there are SIGNIFICANT disease associated with undiagnosed sleep apnea such as heart disease. Not trying to scare you but this is something easily solved.

  10. and PS I have all your books and love your blog. :)

  11. Another comment from a nurse. I agree. It's VERY important that you contact your primary care and get a referral to a local sleep center. You need a sleep study. There are many causes for snoring - polyps, structural issues, severe allergies to things in your sleep environment,etc. But no matter what the cause, the result is often obstructive sleep apnea. When your oxygen level drops at night because you're not getting enough air into your lungs, your cortisol levels rise. That's because your body needs this stimulation to force you to breathe even while you sleep. This chronic over-stimulation can lead to hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias and stroke. It also causes you to burn a lot of the sugar in your blood which makes you hungry and more prone to weight gain, which in turn can worsen the obstruction. It's nothing to mess around with. Breathe Right strips are only effective for a very small number of patients with snoring. They don't have any effect on whether your airway is closing at the larynx. The only way to diagnose the problem is to see a physician that specializes in sleep disorders. Don't waste your money on expensive mattresses or pillows until you find out what's going on. There are a number of remedies, the most common of which is CPAP. Also there are other dental devices which have been studied and approved by the FDA if you cannot tolerate CPAP. These are not available over the counter. If you choose one of these, you'll need to see a qualified dentist who specializes in sleep disorder appliances. No matter what, you should start with a professional sleep study and follow up with them to be sure the remedy is effective. Please don't delay. It's very important to your health.

    1. I agree, and don't wait till you have a heart attack like my husband did. If you have sleep apnea that's a great possibility.

  12. This recipe looks SO yummy! Can't wait to try it! And I highly recommend the sleep study - for both of you! You may need a CPAP machine, which is an amazing contraption that I can't live without. Also, you need to be aware that undiagnosed sleep apnea can damage your heart and brain if not taken care of, since you actually stop breathing in your sleep (which is what causes the snoring/snorting - you're suffocating! So, get it checked out asap! We need you around, Mandy!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My wife had knee replacement in November there were 20 people in there going thru orientation 16 had CPAP machines. Everyone doesnt have sleep apnea over diagnosed over prescribed panic time. No one knows anyone that has done a sleep test that passes without sleep apnea no matter what hysteria surrounds it

  15. This is DELICIOUS. I just made it in my Instapot (didn't change any ingredients , just used the "chicken" setting). My picky 8 year old LOVES it. My husband loves it. I love it. Definitely making this often!! Thabk you!

    1. Thank you! I was just thinking about how this would work in the IP with the chicken setting.

  16. I see a sexy, sexy CPAP in your future! Seriously, Husband probably IS contemplating how to kill you and get away with it. I know, because I fantasized about it for months before convincing my own husband to GO GET A DAMN SLEEP STUDY!!! It's infuriating for both parties; I couldn't sleep because he sounded like a buzz saw, and he couldn't sleep because I kept poking and prodding him. It was a true life and marriage saver when he brought that CPAP home.

  17. Mandy, I am a recently retired night nurse of many years. Can't tell you how many times while checking on patients during night, encountered a patient doing what you are describing. Long story, short; see your doctor.

  18. Can this be done in a electric roaster? I only ask because, I am thinking about doing this for Church Wednesday night, and we are talking about anywhere from between 20-40 people to cook for..

    1. I'm sure it can but I have no idea about the cooking times. If you try it, let us know how it goes and how long you cooked it. Good luck!!

    2. Can you use frozen chicken breasts?

  19. I'm hoping this recipe isn't too salty like the others I've tried.
    The only thing that helps me quit snoring is losing weight. When I start snoring, I know I need to lose a few pounds. Then the snoring stops. Very weird, I know but it helps me stop snoring.

    1. I have that problem with some recipes too, so for this one I added water instead of chicken broth, and didn't salt the chicken breasts but did use garlic and pepper. With those 2 changes the salt level was perfect in my opinion!

  20. I can’t wait to try this! Does the leftovers freeze well? I’m only cooking for two so I’m sure we would have extra.

    1. I've never frozen it, so I can't say. We usually have it over mashed potatoes/rice the first night then I make open-faced sandwiches with it a day or two later to eat up the leftovers :)

  21. I made this last night with chicken thigh fillets. I added some fresh mushrooms. It was delicious. The gravy was a little runny, I think the mushrooms added a lot of liquid, so next time I will add another tablespoon of flour.

  22. This looks really good so will make it in the very near future. As far as the snoring, I had a mouth guard made by my dentist and it works great for me. It’s expensive but my insurance covered it. It takes a little getting used to but now I use it all the time. I also use lavender linen spray, take a hot shower and put socks on before I go to sleep. You should both have sleep studies done. Mine was marginal and it seems that the mouth guard is working.

  23. I doubled the recipe just yesterday as I cooked for the week for my 2 disabled children. My gravy was loose also i drained it into a 2 quart pot added cornstarch and cooked it on the stove for a few minutes

  24. I made this yesterday and at 6200 ft. Altitude it took only 3 1/2 hours on high. I just cut the boneless, skinless breasts in half after 3 hours and stirred the gravy well, scraping down the sides of the crockpot. I did not shred the chicken as I served the gravy over mashed potatoes and the chicken on the side. I followed the directions for shutting off the crockpot, removing the cover and letting it sit 20 minutes, the gravy was perfect and very good. This is comfort food at it's best! Thank you Mandy for another "perfect" recipe!

  25. Within the last year, I have started snoring so badly it wakes up my husband. And, honestly, at times it even wakes me up! I got tested for allergies but they were negative. However, the allergist did give me a nasal spray (prescription) which helps. I also take Benedryl (pills, not liquid) every night. My PCP told me that the Benedryl won't hurt me at all, and that it is fine to take it every night. It helps with the constant drainage down my throat and, as a bonus, it helps me sleep. I've tried many other things and this is what consistently works for me. It keeps the snoring down to a much lower volume! lol

  26. Another vote for a sleep study! I had one done and even though I drug my feet on getting started using my CPAP once I did there was no going back! All of a sudden I slept through the night with no getting up 1-4 times to go to the bathroom, waking up to asthma symptoms and my stuffy nose disappeared. And best of all, I felt rested after a night's sleep and no longer would try to nap if I sat still for a few minutes during the day. I can breathe so much better with it that I kind of wish I could wear it around all day! :) And yes, Captain Monk, there are many, many more people using CPAPs these days and a lot of it is because there are so many more people overweight or obese, which doesn't help. Get the study done, both you and your hubby, you'll be glad you did!

  27. I am another one that uses instant potatoes as a thickener. I use the flavored kind as the base for quick potato soup.
    Get the sleep study. In the meantime, roll a towel up and pin it around your neck to make sure that you are not kinking your neck in a downward angle blocking off your windpipe. This is my bad habit.

  28. The recipe looks wonderful and I plan to make it soon. But the reason I'm writing is I want to find your blogs. Tell me how I go about finding them please.

  29. You may not know it, and I know you didn’t ask me directly, �� but I’m a nurse too...and I say SLEEP STUDY!!!! GO GET ONE!! (Good thing I read your blog!!)

    1. M-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-M-M-M-M-M Dawn's fussing at me!

  30. I followed the recipe exactly as written, but let it cool on low for 7 hours. Gravy was thick and lucious. Excellent!

    1. Good to know! I was never sure about cooking it on low that long! (I think that's what you mean... you let it cook - not cool - 7 hours). Thanks for letting me know!!

    2. Ha! Yes, I meant COOK with a K!!!! Great recipe. I had leftover chicken and gravy, but was out of mashed potatoes. I reheated it and made an open face sandwich on white toast. yum.

  31. Your recipe says to remove the chicken and turn the crockpot to warm. Do you put the chicken back in? If yes, for how long? Or, is cool with lid off for 20 minutes - on warm setting? Thank you.

    1. Hmmmm... well, I'm a little confused because the recipe doesn't say to remove the chicken and turn the crock pot to warm? When I let it set with the lid off for 20 minutes to cool, I turn the heat off.

  32. How would using one packet of brown gravy and one of chicken gravy be?

  33. This is probabaly a dumb question, but are frozen chicken breasts ok or should they be thawed?

  34. You really can not make a mistake with this recipe. I have used frozen breasts fresh thighs
    brown gravy and chicken gravy. served it with rice and/or potatoes. I freeze up quarts of this to stock up the freezers of the children that I enable. I have added a bag of frozen veges and a bag of pearl onions. Have fun make it your own

  35. Crazy story... I started my hubby and I on a cleanse. Don’t freak out! No gluten, no dairy, no sugar. Basically it was fresh fruit, fresh veggies and fresh meat. And within a week he stopped snoring. The fresh fruit is any berries, oranges, apples etc. Yes fruit has sugar but natural sugar like that is ok. Avoid wheat, flour, pasta and rice. Just try it for 2 weeks. You will be amazed. We do it for 21 days and are amazed at the results!

  36. From my experience I would suggest you have a sleep study. It sounds like sleep apnea. My husband started snoring and once the problem was diagnosed he got a cpap and now life is good for both of us. It's a real health concern for you.

  37. Do you use frozen chicken breasts or thawed?

  38. My guy snores something AWFUL. A few months ago he bought me the Bose sleepbuds. I tried to find a less expensive version, but nothing else is tiny enough to wear sleeping. They've been absolutely amazing.

  39. How much garlic powder?

  40. Can't help but giggle with you two taking videos of each other snoring. Love it. But, I really do hope you're getting some sleep. It's no fun at all to go without sleep!

    The chicken and gravy looks amazing! I just made something similar with pork in the Crock Pot. Although, I am partial to mashed potatoes instead of rice. Have a great Friday!

  41. Has any subbed cream of mushroom soup in stead of cream of chicken? Also has anyone put it on noodles instead of rice/mashed potatoes?

  42. This recipe is far better to the one's with chicken gravy mix I totally agree the chicken gravy one's are to yellow in taste this is so much more homemade tasting in my opinion thank's

  43. If I just wanted to make the gravy in the crockpot with no chicken (for a large crowd on thanksgiving) would anything change?

    1. Great idea! Hmmmm... well, the chicken definitely puts off liquid but the looong cook time breaks down some of the thickening agents too... sooooo... I'd be prepared to add some extra chicken broth to get the desired consistency you prefer.

  44. OmG, this was delicious. I have a very picky husband when it comes to food. So trying new recipes that he likes is a hit or miss. This recipe definitely hit it out of the park, he LOVED it. He even said that he could eat it just the way it was without mashed potatoes or egg noodles. So thank you, thank you for an awesome and simple recipe. BTW, I didn't have any brown gravy packets...all I had on hand was pork gravy packets. So I substituted the brown gravy packets for pork gravy packets and it was still delicious. I will definitely keep this recipe in my book of regular crockpot meals.

    1. It's funny that you say that because I almost ONLY ever buy pork gravy (vs "brown") because I prefer it but, for the sake of not inciting a riot in the comment section (pork? why pork? you said this was chicken? I'm so confused! is this not a chicken recipe? you suck!), I used brown in this recipe.

  45. Have the sleep study done! I suffer from insomnia and poor sleeping in the night waking myself with my own snoring. My husband snored so loud I could hear him through earplugs even if I went to the couch to escape it. Both of us have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I got a CPAP machine 1st. When I woke up to go to the bathroom the first night using it, my husband asked if I was okay. He'd been lying there beside me scared I had died because I didn't move or snore for the whole time. He got a CPAP a few months later because I insisted he did. He doesn't like it as much as I do, but he does not snore at all when he uses it.

    Looking forward to trying this recipe. It looks delish!

  46. I would love to try this recipe! Right now I have a boneless pork loin I bought at Sam's Club in my fridge I have to use or freeze - can I just sub. pork slices for the chicken & leave everything else the same? Thank you.

    1. I imagine so! I'd leave it whole, though to help keep it from drying out.

  47. Sleep study is your answer. I tried the dental appliance etc and finally gave into the sleep study. What a difference. Wow. I used to wake up with headaches (due to oxygen deprivation) then started having full blown seizures at age 44! (oxygen deprivation) and wow did my heart health go in the toilet. CPAP made the seizures and headaches go away. No more heart issues. I'm tellin ya just so it.
    PS: gonna try this tomorrow but will adapt the recipe to dairy free if possible. looks so yummy. And absolutely understand the 'too yellow' diagnosis.

  48. I made this recipe but some changes. Used Rotisserie and shred it. In a dutch oven on top of stove did 2 cups of stock, 1 can cream of chicken, brown gravy packet. Combined all but didn't need the flour or slurry. Add chicken. Gravy thick enough. It's great over potatoes. I'm making again tomorrow. Thank u for a great tasting recipe.

  49. I may never make chicken breasts another way!!! This is so delicious!!!! I made rice in the side using chicken brother, butter, and salt. The best chicken and rice EVER!!! Thanks Mandy!!! Ntw, I just got your cookbook also! Can't wait to get started going thru that!!!

    1. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  50. YUMMY! This recipe is totally delicious. The chicken comes out so juicy and tender. I plan to add this into my dinner rotation for sure. Thanks for the great recipe Mandy.
